Sunday, January 26, 2014

Julie & Julia

Julie & Julia is a movie about a woman who cooked each of the five hundred and some recipes in Julia Child's book [insert book title here].

Apparently they made a movie out of this, a while ago.  For whatever reason, it struck me as a movie that I wouldn't mind watching.  Recently I acquired a dvd version of this movie (don't ask how).  So I watched it.

Before we begin, I'd like to point out that I was thinking about how I would live blog my watching it, but for the fact that Windows 8 does not have a media player, and so my tv, which works as my monitor and dvd screen, but not tv screen, needed a plug switched.  I need a version of windows for the programs I run, and I wonder if its worth uninstalling 8 and buying windows 7?  AAArgh!!

Also, the last movie that I watched that was not originally done in Cantonese and subtitled was...whenever I last watched a few minutes of the Cowboy Bebop movie, which was well dubbed from Japanese.  And the last movie I watched in English was....?

To start with; the last time I watched a dvd (for Johnnie To's Fulltime Killer) it began with lots of previews for movies that I thought looked cool.  Despite my inability to remember what any of them were.  (I need to watch the movie again, I suppose.  Drat.  :) )  Julie & Julia started with a government warning about how smoking is bad for you.  And that was followed by a preview for a movie starring Hugh Grant and that actress from Sex and the City.  And the previews just got better from there.  (Wasn't sleepless in Seatle made in the 90's?)

On the bright side, I realized that I was not then yet drunk enough to watch such a movie.  Three cheers for Guinness.  (I'm pissed as I write this, and I don't speell well sober.)

So the movie...

Meryl Streep, as far as I know, played Julia Child well.  Other than the heels, I cannot imagine a much less attractive [thin-ish, clean and healthy] woman.  And the modren "Julie" was played by Amy Adams, who looked quite mediocre with short hair.

Despite the young[-ish] (idk) modren actress being more appealing, I noticed that I could not help smiling when Meryl Streep was on, and needing more beer when Amy Adams was on.

As for the story...(how do you spell...meh..bleegh..).   It was...whatever.

I wonder if Julia Child was more of an author than a cook, if you believe the movie (don't do that) she seems to have graduated from a cooking school and then wrote the book straight away.  Also: who was her co-writer? Why do I not even know her name despite having just watched the movie?


Luckily I had a palette cleanser to watch afterwords: Samurai Trilogy

Apparently it is not the best adaptation of my third favorite book of fiction, becasue it is TOSHIRO MIFUNE as musashi, and not MINAMOTO MUSAHSI as played by Toshiro Mifune. 

Moral of post:

I'm open to watching something else starring Meryl Strep, but have no interest in anything else related to Julie & Julia.

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